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Helpful Facts

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Helpful Facts

Finding, choosing and funding a care home

This factsheet gives information about finding, choosing and funding a
suitable care home including types of homes, how to identify the right
home, and funding of care home placements.

Finding, choosing and funding a care home

Source: Age UK.

Paying for permanent residential care

This factsheet has information about the financial help that may be
available from the local authority if you need care in a care home. It also
covers arranging and paying for care yourself.

Paying for permanent residential care

Source: Age UK.

Paying for care in England

Alzheimer’s society provides some helpful information and support, to help us better understand the options and make the right decisions about paying for care. Read the different ways to pay for care, and the amount you might be expected to pay.

Paying for care and support in England

Source: Alzheimer’s Society

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Guidance

This page provides updated coronavirus guidance for all Medela Health services.

Our primary concern is for the health and wellbeing of our residents, their families, their friends as well as our dedicated staff and the general public. Please be assured that we are taking every precaution to ensure that no one is put at any avoidable risk.

We monitor and follow closely the latest government guidance and infection control best practice. We ask that everyone remains alert and ensures that they are also following the latest government guidance on coronavirus both within our care homes and when in the general community at all times. In particular, around hand sanitisation, wearing face coverings and PPE where required and maintaining social distancing. Further advice is available on the NHS website.